Dolls Kill shared this picture of Their LA storefront display on Their Instagram story. Soon after they posted this people began to point out that the table and lamp in the photo seemed to be extremely similar to a table and lamp created by Dominican textile artist Uzumaki Cepeda who has her own gallery in LA called “Uzumaki Gallery”

The Photo Posted By Dolls Kill

Art Installation In Uzumaki Gallery

Someone actually reached out to Dolls Kill via Instagram DM’s regarding this and Dolls Kill responded by denying that they had ever heard of Uzumaki or seen her work before.

Here is where it gets interesting. Uzumaki shared this screenshot on Twitter showing Dolls Kill reaching out to her saying that they love her work and asking her to collaborate with them so clearly they did know who Uzumaki was and they had seen her work before.

This is not the first time I have heard of Dolls Kill working with or offering to work with an independent artist only to turn around and sell a cheap knock off of the artists work instead, Marialia had a similar problem years ago, which I posted about.

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